Alumni Spotlight

Honor an FIU graduate with a digital bookplate

Graduation is an important milestone, the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and deserves to be recognized! The FIU Libraries is offering family and friends the chance to honor their FIU graduate with a special gift – a digital bookplate in the library catalog.

A physical bookplate is traditionally a small print or decorative label pasted into a book, often on the inside front cover, that indicates ownership. Similarly, the FIU Libraries’ digital bookplate will be attached to a specific book in the catalog. When the book’s record is brought up, a link will take you to the digital bookplate. This bookplate will remain in the library catalog in perpetuity as a testament to your graduate’s commitment to education and success.

The bookplate is personalized to your graduate, and not just with their graduation name and year. You’ll also be able to choose the subject area in which the bookplate will appear, ranging from education and history to military science and psychology. 

You’ll be able to share the bookplate with all of your graduate’s family and friends, so that everyone will know how proud you are of their accomplishment.

For more information, visit

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