Alumni Spotlight

Why Marla Oliu ’09, MS ’13 gives back

Donor Spotlight
Marla Oliu ’09, MS ’13
Learning and Development Coordinator, Hilton Worldwide


Marla-Oliu-200x300What do you love most about FIU and your involvement here?
I love that FIU is and always will be a second home to me. I worked and went to school at both MMC and BBC and truly felt like I spent more time at FIU than in my own home. I always felt appreciated as both a student and employee of such a wonderful university.

What advice would you give to a potential donor who is considering investing in FIU?
I would tell potential donors to definitely give back to FIU! FIU is growing everyday and so many positive changes are constantly occurring. I love receiving emails that a new School is opening up, or a new parking garage is being constructed, or that a new major has been added to the curriculum. Without the support of donors, these enhancements wouldn’t be possible.

Why do you think giving back is important to the advancement of FIU and its students?
By giving back to FIU, donors give the University an opportunity to expand and become more prestigious than it already is, which in turn makes our diplomas worth more. With our constant support, FIU can continue to advance to new heights and offer students the ability to excel in the field of their choice. They are the future so we should choose to invest in them.

Where has life taken you since graduating from FIU?
Thank to the FIU Chaplin School of Hospitality Management Symplicity career site, I have been working for almost 3 years with Hilton Worldwide in their Miami Regional Office- Learning and Development Office. I work with the hotel HR Directors and Training Managers from our Latin America and Caribbean hotels.


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