Career Development

The Ultimate Interviewing Resource Guide

Prepping for an upcoming interview can be overwhelming. Interviewing requires work – understanding the position, researching the company, reflecting on your work history and identifying your career goals. There are many great resources readily available online, but sometimes it can be a challenge to figure out what exactly to search for or ask.

To make the process easier, I’m sharing a curated resource guide to help you prepare for and succeed in your interview. Most of the articles are from The Muse – a modern career advice site, and Ask A Manager, a career blog site. Many of my clients have found these resources valuable and relevant for successful interview preparation, and I hope you find them helpful too!


Researching the position/company


What to wear & dress for success


Phone, Skype and other interviews


Tell me about yourself


Tough questions


Common interview questions


STAR/Behavioral interviewing questions


Questions to ask the interviewer


Thank you notes/following up


Background checks


Salary negotiations/accepting offers


Have a suggestion for a resource/website that really helped you? List below in the comments!

Happy interviewing!


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