Alfredo Richard
College: School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Degree: M.S. '94
Alfredo Richard is responsible for all corporate, internal and crisis communications, as well as programming publicity efforts for Telemundo. Working closely with senior management, he is charged with creating, implementing and managing communication programs to strategically position the company among its key stakeholders. Additionally, Richard was instrumental in developing network pro-social initiatives such as the decade-long educational campaign "El Poder de Saber" (The Power of Knowledge), the company-wide voter registration campaign "Vota por tu Futuro" (Vote for your Future), the year-long 2010 Census awareness campaign “Hazte Contar” (Be Counted), as well as other initiatives related to key social issues. He is a board member of the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, a member of the Advisory Council of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, and a member of the Public Relations Society of America. A former Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor, Richard resides in Miami Beach with his wife, Dana, and their three children.