College/School Networks

  • College of Business

    Since its inception in 2001, the Business Panther Community has actively organized programs and events for alumni of the College of Business. The Business Communities goals are simple, yet strong: to develop engaging events, to reconnect alumni with each other and the college, and to assist with members’ professional development. The Business Panther Community is governed by a Board of Directors. A variety of professional interests are served by the network’s growing number of affinity groups. If you are interested in a leadership position with the Business Panther Community or one of its affinity groups, contact Luisa Perez, Director of Marketing and Communications.

    Network Contact: Luisa Perez

  • College of Arts, Sciences and Education

    The College of Arts, Sciences and Education is excited to announce that an Alumni Community k is in the works! This community will serve as a way for Alumni to stay connected to FIU. It will provide the chance to directly engage with the university, keep in touch with classmates and help build a valuable collection of contacts. FIU CASE Alumni will be among the first to know of college news and developments. There are also plans for resume building events, Alumni mixers, student engagement opportunities and much more. Get involved today!

    Network Contact: Stephany Alvarez-Ventura

  • College of Engineering & Computing

    The College of Engineering & Computing Alumni Community is currently forming. Get involved today! As a member of the community, you will be able to stay in touch with classmates, be among the first to know of college news and developments, and build a network of valuable contacts in your industry.   

    Network Contact: Alexandra Rokaw

  • Honors College

    More than 1,000 alumni have graduated from the Honors College since its creation in 1990. Our alumni attend some of the most prestigious graduate and professional schools and work in interesting positions all over the globe. As the Panther Community of the Honors College, we are committed to being a viable resource to Honors College alumni, as well as to Honors College students, the university and the broader community. If you graduated from the Honors College, we would love to hear from you and give you an opportunity to get in touch with other alumni. Currently, the community is looking for alumni to join its leadership committee. For more information on events sponsored by the Honors College, visit

    Network Contact: Fang Shu

  • Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management

    Chaplin School alumni hold prominent positions throughout the hospitality and tourism industries. Your successes have contributed to the school’s growth and reputation for academic excellence. We invite you to engage with your alma mater and your global alumni community. Join us at alumni industry events, and keep up to date with what’s new at the Chaplin School.

    Network Contact: Candice Imam

  • College of Law

    The FIU Law Alumni Community is devoted to assisting FIU Law in fulfilling its educational and professional mission, and to serving the professional needs of its members. It does this through: fostering and maintaining good relations with law students, alumni, and the legal community as a whole; supporting annual and special fundraising efforts for FIU Law; facilitating communication between alumni; planning and supporting alumni and law student events; and promoting FIU Law locally, nationally and internationally. 

    Network Contact: Andrej Milic

  • Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences

    Your fellow alumni from the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences are currently working to develop a Panther Community in your area. This group of volunteers would help to create, plan and implement programming for their fellow alumni. Programming could include networking events, reunions, learning experiences and much more.   

    Network Contact: Kim English

  • Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work

    The Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work is currently developing an alumni Community. This group of volunteers would help to create, plan and implement programming for their fellow alumni. Programming could include networking events, reunions, learning experiences and much more.  

    Network Contact: Suzy Gomez