Rene Diaz
Rene is currently a sophomore majoring in Public Administration. While working in the FIU Admissions Office, he has become more passionate about FIU. All due to the experiences he has had and the friends he has made. Rene believes FIU has made a tremendous impact on his life and decided to be more involved by the joining of the Student Ambassador program. Rene says he has grown a lot and started finding his way at FIU, from meeting some amazing friends to changing his major from Business to Public Administration. Rene slowly has become a person that he is proud of, a big step for him was joining the Student Ambassador program and through the amazing people and experiences. Rene still has a long way to go but he knows that continuing his path through FIU he’ll certainly fulfill all his goals that he’s set out for himself and will be proud to call himself a FIU panther.